What It's all about!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We're growing!! Yippee!!

A HUGE thanks to everyone out there still plugging away at those blankets and beanies!! We are growing here and around the country.

Jodi our (adopted) daughter in DC went again to NYC to help do clean up last weekend.  Jodi said while they were walking towards their first location to start helping a lady driving down the street stopped, rolled down her window and said "Oh my gosh your back again! Thank God you are here to help us! Thank God you all come every week.  We love you and we are so happy you come to help us every week." 

The clean up continues and we thank all of you for helping us make a small difference in their lives.  I think one of the greatest benefits of giving like this for the receiver, is the mere fact that someone else is thinking of them.  I know that whenever someone does something for me, no matter the gift, just to thinks someone cares is what keeps me going!

Every beanie and every blanket does count! To be honest we probably won't even come close to our 10,000 goal - BUT that's okay! Because if we send 250 or 10,000 we can make a difference to at least that many - and that is always a good thing.

Keep em' coming!!!

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